Uczestnicy konferencji będą dyskutować nad różnymi tradycjami, metodami i narzędziami prowadzenia kwerend i wyszukiwania informacji w obrębie nauk humanistycznych i społecznych (HS). Tematem przewodnim będzie wielojęzyczna platforma do przeszukiwania informacji naukowych – GoTriple, powstająca w ramach projektu TRIPLE, realizowanego przy udziale konsorcjum OPERAS. Współorganizatorem konferencji jest IBL PAN.
Data: 22-24.11.2021
Miejsce: online
Konferencja będzie podzielona na 6 paneli dyskusyjnych odbywających się przez trzy dni.
Językiem konferencji jest angielski.
Dzień 1. (22.11.2021)
Panel 1: OPERAS: open scholarly communication in european research area for SSH (tentative)
Keynote speech (TBC)
Introduction to OPERAS: open scholarly communication in european research area for social sciences and humanities
Panel 2: GoTriple: the single entry point for the SSH into the EOSC
Moderator: Emilie Blotière (CNRS, OPERAS)
The discovery service of OPERAS will be delivered in March 2023 to help researchers to explore, find, access and (re)use open scholarly SSH resources in nine different languages. The platform will collect research data and publication, researchers profiles and projects.
Five innovative digital tools are integrated to the core of the platform to provide new ways of funding research. A short demo will present these features. This ambitious project is funded by the European Commission under the framework H2020 program and involves 19 partners from 13 European countries.
The project is resolutely user needs oriented – a community of researchers but also of non-researchers has accompanied the consortium since the beginning of the project to ensure that the platform meets their current needs. The objective is also to encourage interdisciplinarity and exchanges between researchers from different disciplines and generations. It will support scientific, industrial and societal applications of SSH by maximising the reuse of resources through Open Science and FAIR principles and a multidisciplinary transfer of knowledge.
GoTriple will also increase the economic and societal impact of SSH resources for the scientific community at large, but also for citizens, policy makers, media and enterprises.
Dzień 2. (23.11.2021)
Panel 1: How to create an SSH Vocabulary: The GoTriple Hackathon Example
Moderators: Iraklis Katsaloulis (EKT, OPERAS), Cezary Rosiński (IBL PAN)
This session focuses on the GoTriple vocabulary as well as on the results of the first TRIPLE Hackathon. The goal of the hackathon was to use existing subject headings systems of a discipline bibliographies to assess and improve coverage of Library of Congress Subject Heading in GoTriple vocabulary, but the advantage of the event is much greater. The workflow created during the hackathon will help to incorporate national, multilingual resources into the international exchange of knowledge and may be reused in any data mapping between international authority databases and local, non-English data sources.
Panel 2: Is crowdfunding a solution to the lack of research funding for Social Sciences and Humanities?
Moderators: Stefano de Paoli, Paula Forbes
Panelists: Luigi di Pace (Univ. Milano-Biccoca), Mariannig Le Bechec (Univ. Lyon 1)
In this session, we will discuss whether crowdfunding can be seen as a potential solution to the lack of funding for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Crowdfunding is the practice of funding projects/ideas via the Internet, normally done by a large group of people. GoTRIPLE will have its own crowdfunding service which will support research in SSH. There is,however, a need to reflect critically on the extent to which a crowdfunding solution can help foster good quality research and also to understand how to set up a crowdfunding solution which is successful and highly usable. The sessions will comprise of three sections:
1) a presentation of selected results of the research conducted for the TRIPLE project
2) this will be followed by a panel discussion with invited speakers ;
3) a demo presentation of the GoTRIPLE crowdfunding solution.
After each section there will be 5-10 minutes for a group discussion.
Dzień 3. (24.11.2021)
Panel 1: Talk & panel — Business & Open Science – contrast or complement?
Moderators: Gert Breifuss (Know-Center, project TRIPLE), Leonie Disch (Know-Center)
There is no single ideal business model (BM) for the Open Science Ecosystems that can be adopted as a standard. In this session, we will provide an overview of existing BM for OS Ecosystems based on the research conducted within the TRIPLE project. Founders/Directors of existing OS platforms provide practical insights regarding a sustainable BM. In the following panel discussion, we will debate about pros and cons of different models and derive implications towards developing a sustainable BM for OS ecosystems such as the TRIPLE platform.
The session will comprise of:
- Overview of BMs for OS Ecosystems out of TRIPLE Competitor Analysis
- Presentation of the BM of an existing OS PlatformPanel discussion on BM success factors
- Wrap up / Conclusion
Panel 2. — GoTriple in the EOSC ecosystem
Moderators: Francesca Di Donato, Monica Monachini
The GoTriple discovery platform is designed to be integrated into the services of the EOSC for the social sciences and humanities (SSH) communities across Europe and beyond. It will enable discovering and reusing SSH resources across disciplinary and language boundaries, thus serving the European SSH community.
- brings together digital scholarly objects of all kinds from a wide range of databases, data repositories, publishing and aggregation services, to promote findability and reduce fragmentation within SSH;
- enables interoperability, connecting the SSH data landscape with the European scholarly data commons as well as the larger Open Science frameworks and infrastructures;
- will serve hand in hand with the SSH Open Marketplace, a resource to search for and find a wealth of research tools (developed by the SSHOC project), as the EOSC SSH component.